
you suck

Bato001 at aol.com Bato001 at aol.com
Mon Dec 6 19:07:32 PST 2004

In a message dated 12/6/2004 9:27:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
rct9911 at comcast.net writes:

> I  understand. I cannot watch "Mystic River" again because it's just too 
>  depressing. For some reason I can reread books that are depressing and I  
> love the way the gut twisting depression sweeps over me. Maybe it's  
> because I can put the book down and introspect and be thankful for  the 
> joys in my own life. Maybe it's the comisery of another human  being, even 
> if they are fictional. Who knows, Teckla just seems to  "fit" in the series 
> and the series would be paler without  it(IMHO).
> -- 
> John D. Barbato, O.D.

I felt  that way when I read the _Farseer_ and _Tawny Man_ trilogies by Robin 
Hobb  (who wrote _Gypsy_ with Steve as Megan Lindholm). Major depression, but 
it  feels so good. Though I'm actually afraid to say it, I love those books  
even more than Dragaera. Robin Hobb is my hero.


Thanks, I knew I couldn't be the only one.
John D. Barbato, OD
PS: I like Robin Hobb too, just not as much as I like Steve's  writing.