
SKJB / Dream Cafe' swag ideas

Bato001 at aol.com Bato001 at aol.com
Thu Dec 9 09:10:27 PST 2004

In a message dated 12/09/2004 11:40:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, MedCat7 
>Nasty ocular infections can be fatal if left untreated, are treated 
>improperly with narrow spectrum antibiotics or if the bacteria causing the 
infection >is 
>resistant to conventional oral antibiotics. Due to the increasing resistance 
>of bacteria to present antibiotics oral these types of scenarios are 
>more common place. Due to the proximity of the orbit to the brain it is a 
>short hop through the optic foramen, through the cavernous sinus and into 

>John D. Barbato, OD

>Don't you sound smart **cute smerk** ;o)
>p.s. I hope that didn't sound offensive...I was really trying to be cute not 
a jerk.
Hey man, it's my job!!!  I hope I got it right, that's digging back to Gross 
anatomy about 15 years ago. 

You are not offensive, and pretty cool,---- for a girl  ;  ) 

John D. Barbato, OD