Forgive me for something extremely off topic but Steves web log got me thinking. I am a high school senior and as the fate of all such people I am stuck with the perilous question of where to go to college. I finished my applications on Friday. As I completed the application process, it occurred to me that Ive been thinking far too much, about what is practical than what I will enjoy. I stumbled across Brust in 3rd grade and since then have had a deep love for reading and later writing fantasy. I however, dont have the guts to write professionally. I figure that many people on this list have taken creative writing courses. Were these courses worthwhile? Where are the best creative writing programs? If I was confident that I would get something out of these classes except for enjoyment, I might be able to think more about doing something I love rather than doing something for financial motives. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? The all-new My Yahoo! What will yours do?