
creative Writing

Sun Dec 12 21:15:09 PST 2004

hmm... my only advice is go to a big school.  LOL.  I'm currently a sophmore in college, so it wasn't more than two years ago that i was looking at schools trying to decide what i wanted to do with my life.  In the end i decided that while i too love to write creativly i faced two major problems.  One i can't spell for crap, and while they do have spell check and the like it's sometimes so bad that even spell check can't figure out what i'm trying to get at.  And second i sorely lack the talent to create my own stuff.  

Solution: Go to a big school.  I'm currently an Engineering student (following my talents and not necessicarily, theres that spelling thing again, my heart)  But the upside of big schools.  Lots and lots of gen eds.  I'm taking some philosophy and lit classes. as well as looking into sculpture stuff.  Big schools offer a lot in the way of choices.  So don't pigeon hole yourself into one thing.  Theres far worse things you can do than go into college as an "undecided". Trust me.  I've had friends change majors after being Bio freshman year to English, and not much transfers and you end up a year behind.  As an undecided you can take just about whatever you want, and get a feel for what you like.
Hope it helps

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