
SKJB / Dream Cafe' swag ideas

MedCat7 at aol.com MedCat7 at aol.com
Tue Dec 14 08:29:44 PST 2004

In a message dated 12/14/2004 10:56:18 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Michael Angelo Tripp-Russo" <michaelangelo at tripp-russo.com> writes:

>If Steve's quotables are fair game here, I ought to think it'd be neato to
>have a bumper sticker that says: War is Bad. Peace is good. Or one sticker
>for each sentence, if you don't understand at all how this is connected I'd
>say look here: http://dreamcafe.com/rose.html I'd further suggest if you
>have further interest (track nine, I think) titled of all strange things
>"War is Bad".
>- Angelo 
I can't promise anything, but my future mother-in-law works for a label company and can get free stickers (even bumper I believe) and design them how ever I want. I am not sure exactly how many I can get (I want to say 200 for regular stickers). If this is something anyone would be interested in, let me know and we can vote on a quote or two from the swag idea list. I will let everyone know exactly if I can do this. We've done it before and haven't in a while.
-Crystal ^..^