
A Linguistic Note

Bato001 at aol.com Bato001 at aol.com
Wed Dec 15 06:17:07 PST 2004

In a message dated 12/14/2004 8:04:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
skzb at dreamcafe.com writes:

I have  long believed that the one phrase an American needs to learn when
visiting  a foreign country is, "I do not speak your language.  I  am

It would be even better if you said those words in perfect "Canadian"  French 
and the native language.
Either that or take the time to learn a second language. Even if *that*  
particular language is not the primary language spoken, (ie: Speaking spanish in  
France) at least you don't look like a dumb american who can't ( or even 
worse,  won't) learn a second language. French, Italian, Portugese and Spanish are  
similar enough that you can at least get by if you speak one of them. 
John D. Barbato, OD