
A Linguistic Note

Wed Dec 15 13:23:33 PST 2004

On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, Scott Schultz wrote:

> > It's widely reported to be among the hardest of the
> > alphabetic languages (let's not get into the difficulty of
> > becoming literate in chinese!), actually.  And I don't
> > believe "spelling" is a standard school subject much of anywhere else.
> I'd pretty much assumed that Phil was being sarcastic. I thought it was
> pretty well known that English (particularly the American brand) is one of
> the more difficult to pick up as a second language.

Actually, I'm unaware of such a consensus.  I'd say Latin, French, German,
Dutch, probably Hebrew and Greek and Russian are more difficult than
English; Italian (and more so Spanish) a bit easier.  But for
communicating with someone at the 500-word vocab level I think English is
easiest by a good deal.  Also a lot of modern words are more comfortable
in English.  Anyway, the consensus among Europeans I know is that English
was easiest to learn of the languages they know.

Spelling is certainly painful in English - but have you ever tried to use
a comma correctly in German?  Talk to an Italian from a small town?  Speak
French well enough not to get Englished in Paris?  Keep gender/person
references straight while drunk in whatever non-English language?