
A Weekend In Dragaera-Recipe Book

ginnilee p berger ginni.berger at juno.com
Thu Dec 30 09:16:52 PST 2004

On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 22:19:58 -0700 "Rion Bergquist"
<carpovita at earthlink.net> writes:
> Steve and I discussed that...
> I know there are recipes floating about, and I know that I can get a 
> book
> like that put together by one of the small press groups that work 
> with my
> show...
> But I'd need someone to compile the recipes and then that same 
> someone or
> someone else to put said recipes into a format that included art 
> and
> anecdotes to make the whole thing more saleable.

Oops- sent this wrong. 

If everyone wants to send the recipes to me, I'm already compiling
"Vorkosigan House, From Ma Kosti's Kitchen" for the LMB Mailing List. We
can also make a menu section, where the various quotes from the books are
matched with the recipes, something we're already doing for the VHFMKK
Lady Lavender of Teal