The dill and ginger has got to be an odd combination of flavors. Kat On Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 08:06:50AM -0500, MedCat7 at wrote: > I lost the mail with someone's email who said they's compile the recipies, but atleast we can get some cooks to try this and come up w/ a recipie for it... > > Dried black mushrooms > -pour boling water over (let soak for 20 mins?) > Diced scallions, leeks, little dill, various peppers (diced w/ mushrooms) > Thin strips of kethna (pork) > Quick fried (stir fried?) w/ garlic and ginger > Put over pasta > -_Book of Taltos:Pheonix_ pg? chp12? > > I think it sounds great! I loooove mushrooms! > -Crystal ^..^