Ok, here's the deal with the bumperstickers. To purchase 125 stickers (minimum) the total cost will be $181.25. I know a few people will be willing to buy a bunch of stickers, but I don't want to be stuck with the rest of the amount. Each sticker from the company is $1.45. I was thinking of asking $2 for each sticker to help cover the cost. If enough people are willing to buy a sticker or 3 or 4 I will make this happen. If not, well then there will be no stickers. I wouldn't mind covering the whole thing if I didn't have to save up for a wedding, Opus, and school loans. If you want some stickers, let me know how many you want in an e-mail and I will e-mail back my address for you to send the money to. I will accept any donations toward this, too. If for some reason i end up with profit (which I highly doubt), I would be more than happy to send every penny to Steve. Thank you for your help everyone. -Crystal ^..^