
questions about Paarfi

Tue Jan 11 21:10:11 PST 2005

Steve Simmons wrote:

>On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 12:47:56PM -0800, Philip Hart wrote:
>>On Tue, 11 Jan 2005, Steve Simmons wrote:
>>>The Paarfi that Cawti is reading is probably not the same Paarfi
>>>that wrote 'Viscount' et. al.  The Paarfi we're reading published
>>>during Zerikas reign, quite some time after Cawti was reading
>>>the other Paarfi.
>>I believe in one Paarfi, accurate and indivisible, of which the triune
>>aspects are Paarfi the Historian, Paarfi the Romancer, and Sethra.
>Sethra the Younger or Sethra Lavode?
He means Lavode. You've never read Philip's theory that Sethra is 
Paarfi? I think if the archives are searchable by author and you search 
for Sethra, Lavode, Paarfi and Mario, you should get Philip's very 
clever line of conjecture unmasking Paarfi as a puppet of Sethra's, or 
maybe a figment of her imagination. Although I don't buy it completely, 
it's still one of my favorite theories on this list.

Hmm. I tried the search, but it seems like it would take too long for a 
lazy person (i.e. me) to find it that way. If I were home in 
Massachusetts (I'm in Miami right now), I'd be able to search my 
personal archives much more effectively and come up with a link for you, 
so it's up to Philip or someone else to find it in the archives.


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