
questions about Paarfi

Fri Jan 14 19:44:57 PST 2005

On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 12:36, John Klein wrote: 
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2005, Joy Jennifer Nicholson wrote:
> @> This is the first I've heard of the theory that Paarfi is Sethra.
> @> I like better the idea that Sethra has been feeding Paarfi an accurate
> @> account of the histories which he is relating.  It seems very like her
> @> to want to have the correct info out there, but in a form that very
> @> few people would actually believe to be entirely true.  Even the more
> @> fantastic parts of Paarfi's tales may have come from Sethra.  The right
> @> people, those who would understand the truth and know what to do with it,
> @> will read it and see it for what it is.  The other readers are just an
> @> incidental side-audience.  In this way, she can disseminate vital information
> @> without it being obviously attributed to her.
> @>
> @> I like this theory.
> Well, this would require that Paarfi's account is accurate, which itself
> is kind of a dubious proposition.
> On the other hand, it would definitely make sense for Sethra to feed
> Paarfi misleading information so that the public would never find out
> The Awful Truth[0].
And why would you give Paarfi _accurate_ information anyway?  He'd drop
half of it and distort the other to make it fit his prior intentions.