Today's cooking recipe is from the Hammerhead Inn in Dragaera City: "roasted fowl, dripping with fat and positively smothered with mushrooms, short-grain bread baked with sweet peppers and half-garlic, and a bottle of sweet white wine" ... "Mica gave a loud, imperious call for bread, with which he intended to soak the remaining juice from the broad, wooden platter upon which the fowl had been presented. A servant brought a loaf of coarse black bread" Five Hundred Years After, Chapter the Twenty-second, pages 331, 332 Hi, So what is short-grain bread? Rice? What does half-garlic mean? Rion, For your dragaeran feast at Opus 2006 roasted chicken smothered in mushrooms Second bread is a coarse black bread...maybe like Outback's bread. For gardeners: Did not find any Hungarian sweet pepper seeds at burpee but a search for Hungarian cames up with Hot Pepper Hungarian Wax Canary yellow turning to bright red when ripe. 1417&itemType=PRODUCT&RS=1&keyword=Hungarian googling for peppers "Hungarian sweet" seeds came up with several websites for seeds HUNGARIAN DEATH HOT CHILE PEPPER Klari Baby Cheese Sweet Hungarian Sweet Pepper This website had several varieties of Hungarian sweet pepper seeds. Bye. Linda G.