>They were on the rocks, so when did they do stuff? Unless it was make up sex >and Vlad didn't feel like sharing. Anyway, I was shocked when that realization >dawned on me. Anyone els get that when they read it? I think it's fair to assume that Vlad tells us just about the events relevant to the story at-hand. In any case, the events of Tekla happen in a relatively short span of time. Cawti probably didn't have a local Walgreens to buy an E.P.T. at. It's not a huge stretch for her to have been impregnated shortly before the book opens, when they were still on civil terms with each other, and not realized it yet. One thing this can let us speculate about, though, is when Cawti knew she was pregnant. The E.P.T. joke aside, that's exactly the sort of thing that a witch would be paid to tell a person. Cawti is nowhere near as adept as Vlad, but I'd imagine she's dabbled in witchcraft. I'd be surprised if she hadn't picked up enough of the craft, simply by virtue of helping Vlad out, to know she was pregnant. Certainly, if she suspected she'd be likely to hire a witch to find out for certain. Whether she'd tell Vlad what she learned would be a different matter, given the storyline in Tekla.