

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Mon Jan 24 10:03:05 PST 2005

Howard Brazee wrote:
> Or to finding the right time to announce the blessed event to the father.

Which begs the question: When's the "right time"?
Over a cup of klava at Vallabar's?  During her
daring rescue of Vlad while he's being attacked by
fifteen of the seventeen Houses (the Issola wouldn't
think it proper, and the Teckla wouldn't bother)?

Or, to be really soap operaish, how's about right before
Vlad, who's been hired to kill some teckla of a human
sprat, sticks a stilleto into him, and Cawti dashes in
front of the blade with a cry of "He's your...!".  (Which
could turn into tragic drama, depending on the outcome.)

Okay, perhaps not.


"If you can't live without me, die already."
	~Cynthia Heimel