

FRIEDA2133 at aol.com FRIEDA2133 at aol.com
Mon Jan 24 21:11:19 PST 2005

On 24 Jan 2005 at 10:25, MedCat7 at aol.com wrote:

> Ok, if you haven't read Orca, please do not read this unless you want
> to ruin things for yourself...
> .
> S
> P
> O
> L
> I
> E
> R

Michele wrote on Mon, 24 Jan 2005 21:54:43 -0500 

>My brain is fried with the ecstasy of a snow day and I can't 
>remember which book it was that Vlad asks Loiosh if Rocza is 
>pregnant because she's acting odd.  Could this be a clue as to 
>Cawti's onset of pregnancy (or whatever the term is)?


   "'Loiosh, Rocza seems funny.  Is she pregnant?'
   'Huh?  No, boss. At least, I don't think so, I mean, the way things 
   'Never mind.  What is it, then?'
   'Well, you know she's been a little closer to Cawti than I have, 
so, I mean--'
   'Oh, I get it, All right.'

The Book of Taltos, Phoenix, Lesson 9, page 278.

Hmmm, Vlad is a witch too.  Could some part of Vlad know that there 
was someone around that was pregnant?  

I think the following is a clue.  Or maybe it is a clue that someone 
wanted to become pregnant.

   "I stared at the ceiling a while longer.  It was made of beaded ceiling
board, and Cawti had painted it a very pale green.  'Green?'  I had said 
at the time.  'It represents growth and fertility,' she had explained.  
'Ah ha,' I had said and we went on to other things.  Now it just looked 

The Book of Jhereg, Teckla, Chapter 7, pages 381-382.


Linda G.