

Wed Jan 26 08:18:01 PST 2005

> >Bear in mind, too, that first pregnancies can be a lot less obvious,
> >both to the person who's preganant and the outside observer.  Given
> >the time scale, Cawti could easily be 3-4 months pregnant by the
> >time Vlad takes off with neither of them having noticed.
> Not to be too indelicate, but if Cawti is an average woman with an 
> menstrual cycle then she would have noticed it after the first 
month. She
> might dismiss the first missed event as an aberration brought on by
> emotional stress. This is reasonably common in the real world and 
she was
> one of the leaders of the Revolution at the time AND having some 
> marital problems. IMO, the second "miss" would have her using 
whatever means
> were at her disposal to verify the truth of the matter. It's 
> plausible for her to have conceived shortly before Tekla but to not 
know the
> confirmed truth of the matter until sometime shortly afterwards. 
> Occam's Razor would, in fact, be our defense against speculation 
about her
> having abnormal periods or other strange mcguffins to explain how she
> couldn't know she was pregnant. The real question is whether Cawti 
is enough
> of a witch to "feel" the pregnancy immediately or whether it's 
> she'd have to actively try to detect.

I noticed mostly male voices were weighing in on this (unless I missed 
some not as obvious female handles). My opinion is that she would know 
at a minimum of three weeks after conception. Even just missing one 
month, if there is a discrete, affordable test available, she would go 
ahead and try to find out. Being extra distracted/ stressed out would 
only add extra motivation to find out. It is not unheard of to use an 
EPT even when pregnancy is physically impossible short of divine 
intervention, even when one is an atheist (hey, maybe some god has 
something to prove), just for the peace of mind they offer.