
How Karma Works On Dragaera

Steve Simmons scs at di.org
Wed Jan 26 09:09:07 PST 2005

Was Subject: Re: Vlad Taltos Lavode/Pregnancy

On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 08:59:42AM -0800, Scott Schultz wrote:

 . . . [snip] . . . 

> On souls, the more interesting question is not where Baby V's soul comes
> from. It's "What will happen to Vlad's soul when he dies?" Will it continue
> the Karmic cycle as an Eastern soul forevermore? Will it return to the
> Paths? Some combination where it works off its Karmic burden as an Eastern
> soul, then returns to the Paths for a proper reincarnation?

We've never seen an Easterner re-incarnated as anything but we
have seen Dragaerans re-incarned as both Dragaerans and Easterners
(OK, one Easterner -- but given the small number of reincarnations
we know of, one is not a disproportionately small number).  And
we've never seen an Easterner reincarnated as a Dragaeran.

>From the above, I'd assume that karma on Dragaera works like this:

You're re-incarnated repeatedly as a Dragaeran, accumulating good or
bad karma along the way.  Eventually you get good enough to be promoted
to Easterner, and never have to be a Dragaeran again.

Steve "with his hands in his pockets, walking away, faux-casually
    whistling" Simmons
"There's a lot of my personality in my characters. I think that's why
 smart-asses are over-represented."
    Christopher Moore, in http://www.chrismoore.com/world_domination.htm