
CoH, Greyswandir, and Dragaerans as heroes

Wed Jan 26 10:09:04 PST 2005

I created a new Energy / Energy Blaster on the Virtue server in the
City of Heroes MMORPG last Thursday night.  I needed a new name and
chose Greyswandir.  After one night, I'm surprised at how many people
sent tells to me along the lines of "I loved those books" or "Amber
rocks".  And then for the biggest pleasant surprise of all.

I got a tell from a guy who complemented me on my nickname and we
commiserated about our love for Roger Zelazny's work.  Then, as I was
typing my reply, I received this (which was almost identically what I
was in the process of typing): "If you like Roger Zelazny, you'll love
Stephen Brust".

I nearly fell out of my chair.

We nittered on for awhile about the congruence of Dragaera and
characters in CoH.  I told him one of my first characters way back
when was a Tazendra character; Scrapper with a Broadsword.  We
wondered what sort of character Morrolan would be in CoH (I was torn
between Controller and Blaster, depending on which attributes you
wanted to emphasize).  Aliera could be anything, but would have to
have Hover.  And so on.  It was fun conjecture.
johne cook | johne.cook at gmail.com | http://www.phywriter.com |