
ARRGGGGHHHHH!!! (was, Re: duh!) Warning, Off Topic.

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Wed Jan 26 10:11:24 PST 2005

Matthew Hunter wrote:
> The last time the American people got fed up with being taxed, we 
> held a tea party to discuss the matter.  Taxes are far heavier 
> today than they were at that time.  You do not have to listen to 
> people who feel they are being taxed too heavily, but it might be 
> a good idea.

While I agree that taxes are a necessary part of
any working government, I am FAR more concerned with
how those taxes are spent.  I heard recently that
the U.S. cancelled a contract with Lockheed to build
a dozen subs, but still paid them the ~$250M.  Um...did
I miss something?  

And of course our taxes have gone up, taxes on corporations
have dropped tremendously in the last fifty years--someone
must pick up the slack.  <sigh>

Chris (Putting his nose where, I'm sure, it isn't wanted)