
Fwd: RE: Spoiler for ISSOLA in this post

Mon Jan 31 09:04:58 PST 2005

--- Louann Miller <lqmiller at ev1.net> wrote:

> At 08:06 PM 1/28/2005 -0800, Mark A. Mandel wrote:
> > > And at the end of Issola we see him about to go into [spoiler
> extremely 
> > public location] with a [spoiler object] at his side.
> I'm relatively new here -- how evil is Steve? Because the evillest and
> most 
> unlikely plot twist I can think of would be for that _not_ to be a setup
> for a Dashiel Hammet-like opening to the next book.

Not to call anybody evil, but this is the guy who wrote _Taltos_
after _Teckla_ had left us hanging about the revolution and Vlad's
marriage, and who wrote _Dragon_ after _Orca_ had left us hanging
about Savn's recovery, and then covered Savn's return to his family
in a couple sentences in _Issola_.  (Unlike another poster, I'm
not expecting to see the reunion in any more detail, though I'd
like to.)

I think it would be *exactly* like Steve to not have the upcoming
book follow _Issola_ chronologically, and also to have whatever
book does follow it start with no reference to the visit to
Valabar's, and mention it casually or pseudo-casually later, maybe
with a "heh".

But I'm offering no predictions for the next book, except that
it will be called _Dzur_ unless the author changes his mind.

Jerry Friedman

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