
Has Vlad met Mario?

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Mon Jan 31 09:56:13 PST 2005

I'll admit I don't have the book in
front of me, but it was pointed out to
me this weekend that, on page 50 of
Jhereg (Ace? Tor edition?) Vlad mentions Mario
in a quote I never took much notice of before.

Vlad is talking about Aliera, I believe,
and says she had a graceful walk "reminiscent
of Mario" (if anyone has the book handy, an
exact quote would be appreciated).

Our question was: How the hell would Vlad know
how Mario walks if he's never seen the guy?

Any guesses?

Just a thought to get the week moving. <grin>


"Blind man's night is music to the deaf, and 
everyone has *two* paths, not one, whence comes
tragedy and comedy, forsooth and damn straight,
 - "The Gypsy" - Brust & Lindholm