
Has Vlad met Mario?

FRIEDA2133 at aol.com FRIEDA2133 at aol.com
Mon Jan 31 21:04:06 PST 2005

Chris Olson - SunPS wrote on Mon, 31 Jan 2005 09:56:13 -0800 (PST) 

>I'll admit I don't have the book in
>front of me, but it was pointed out to
>me this weekend that, on page 50 of
>Jhereg (Ace? Tor edition?) Vlad mentions Mario
>in a quote I never took much notice of before.

>Vlad is talking about Aliera, I believe,
>and says she had a graceful walk "reminiscent
>of Mario" (if anyone has the book handy, an
>exact quote would be appreciated).

>Our question was: How the h*ll would Vlad know
>how Mario walks if he's never seen the guy?


Thanks for the page number.  

Jhereg, paperback, Chapter 4, page 50.

Vlad thinking about Kiera:

   "She moved with ease and grace, almost reminiscent of Mario."

Same text in The Book of Jhereg, Jhereg, Chapter 4, page 36.

Maybe every Mario story Vlad has heard in the Jhereg refers to 
Mario as moving with ease and grace.

Vlad could, of course, just think Mario moved with ease and grace.  

We also know Vlad has read some of Paarfi "histories" and Paarfi
may have referred to Mario as moving with ease and grace in a 
history that Vlad read but we have not seen . . .yet.

We know that Paarfi has referred to Mario as graceful before:

   "Mario stabbed a piece of kethna with his skewer in a motion
precise and graceful, acquiring both an onion and a mushroom
at the same time."

Five Hundred Years After, Chapter the Nineteenth, page 288.
(submitted to the Imperial Library in the Eleventh Year of
the Glorious Reign of the Empress Norathar the Second)

So Vlad could not have read 500YA before Orca.  Hmmm, maybe that 
was the paperback version and the hardback version came out 
decades before. 

Maybe an author is only allowed to submit a book to the Imperial 
Library after it has been in print for 17, 34, 51 or such years.
Then Vlad could have read it.

No, Vlad couldn't have read 500YA. He couldn't have resisted
kidding Aliera about Mario and then, Aliera couldn't have 
resisted killing Vlad.  


Linda G.