
Next up in the Vladiad...

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Tue Feb 1 13:31:24 PST 2005

Steven Brust wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 10:39, Matthew Walsh wrote:
> > Ouch.  I didn't notice that one before.  And what's worse, now the 
> > whole exchange looks to me like an excuse for that pun.
> I beg to submit that, if the passage didn't bother you when you first
> read it, before you caught that, I officially Got Away With It.

Oh, yeah, you Got Away With It, all right.

I know I never caught it, and I caught Zelazny's
"then the fit hit the shan" the first time.

Damn you're good.
