
Next up in the Vladiad...

Tue Feb 1 15:55:25 PST 2005


You Got Away With It, all right.  I've read Athyra several times . . . Feh!


Steve Brust wrote:

>On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 10:39, Matthew Walsh wrote:
>>On Jan 29, 2005, at 2:18 PM, FRIEDA2133 at aol.com wrote:
>>>FRIEDA2133.aol.com wrote on Wed, 12 Jan 2005 23:58:11 EST
>>[ snip ]
>>>Vlad speaking to Savn:
>>>   Savn glanced back at him, but still wasn't certain if he were
>>>joking.  'It's easy to tell the difference,' he said, 'When you make
>>>the seedblocks and leave them in the coolhouse in barrels, the
>>>true, true salad flax will melt--'
>>Ouch.  I didn't notice that one before.  And what's worse, now the 
>>whole exchange looks to me like an excuse for that pun.
>I beg to submit that, if the passage didn't bother you when you first
>read it, before you caught that, I officially Got Away With It.