
evolution in languege: OT

MedCat7 at aol.com MedCat7 at aol.com
Wed Feb 2 07:59:49 PST 2005

In a message dated 2/1/2005 5:13:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Michele Riccio" <mr1 at rcosta.com> writes
>> Lots of French Canadians in Florida, from all reports. I've an aunt
>> who retired to Miami in the 70's. Perhaps there is an influence on the
>> "Miami dialect", although to be seriously confused with Canadian you'd
>> have to be shortening your dipthongs (ou's in particular).
>> I like "unaccented Miami dialect". Everyone thinks they lack an
>> accent. I speak in an unaccented Canadian dialect; everyone around me
>> speaks in a California accent. It's the world that's crazy, not me.
>> Shawn
>I've always said that I lack an accent because we Bostonians were 
>here first (yes, OK, first after the native tribes) - and the rest of the 
>country is simply wrong in their pronunciation.  ;-)
Damn stright! (Lowell born, and raised...close enough to Boston)

>Michele Riccio
>mr1 at rcosta.com