
'cause it's not "duh" anymore

MedCat7 at aol.com MedCat7 at aol.com
Wed Feb 2 08:17:19 PST 2005

In a message dated 2/2/2005 1:22:46 AM Eastern Standard Time, Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu> writes:

>Perhaps You've never seen
>- note the diaeresis in Ortho...
>Also note that prescriptivism doesn't have the best reputation in some
>parts.  But consider my hero Fowler - he mocked those who insist on
>avoiding simple split infinitives.  As in so many things there is a
>spectrum - no one on this list would advocate abandoning the distinction
>between "it's" and "its" because half the people on the internets have;
>I'm happy to end sentences with prepositions if that's where my head is
I see the difference between "it's" and its". I was going to be an English teacher, but decided I didn't want to take math to ge there. Sometimes, when people make grammatical (I'll never be able to spell) error, it's 'cause they are too lazy to think about. I know I make them, and it bothers me, so sometimes, I go through and correct myself. I gave up correcting other people, especially since they thought it was annoying... so I'll close my mouth..er stop typeing now.
