

Wed Feb 2 15:52:19 PST 2005

On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, Gomi no Sensei wrote:

> On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, Steve Brust wrote:
> > More, I contend such arguments are worth having.  Because through them
> > something can be *settled* and *solved*?  No.  Because through them,
> > knowledge and understanding can be developed and increased.
> If an argument isn't being had to settle and solve an issue, there's precious
> little point in having one. Knowledge and understanding are hardly to be
> had in the presence of continued ambiguity.

Oh, I've had arguments which didn't solve anything but taught me stuff
about the subject - e.g., I've never solved the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict, but I've learned from those I've sparred with, gaining both
knowledge (about history) and understanding (why the other side feels
aggrieved).  I've also had arguments which taught me I shouldn't discuss
certain subjects with certain people...