
stupidity in contradictions (was Re: Hello, I'd like to have an a rgument)

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Thu Feb 3 11:38:55 PST 2005

On 02/03/2005 11:55:24 AM, gbrandt at tampabayfederal.com wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Dave Godwin [mailto:dave at waveridersystems.com]
> >
> > I don't mind normal stupid.  It's like George Carlin said:
> "Remember
> > folks,
> > the average human IQ is only 100 points, and half of them are even  
> dumber
> > than that".

George Carlin's statement is misleading.    The average IQ is a range.     
It is closer to being correct to say 1/2 of the population is average,  
leaving 1/4 above and 1/4 below average.  (I don't know what the actual  
numbers are - nor even whether standard deviation means much here).     
Average people get treated one way in school, and the extremes get treated  
other ways.

Although speaking of IQ.   Isaac Asimov was periodically interested in  
MENSA.  What bothered him about it was that there were so many people with  
political views completely different from his.   If smart people can't  
even agree on who to vote for - maybe IQ doesn't mean that much.

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