
Introversion / Extraversion (was: Re: contradictions)

Casey Rousseau casey at the-bat.net
Fri Feb 4 15:13:43 PST 2005

Tsarren asked:
> So, do y'all (*waves to nearby thread*) consider yourselves 
> introverts? 

> The conflict stems from the fact that, while I also call
> myself an introvert, I am way, way more introverted than
> any of them.  So he compares my behavior to theirs and
> says, "but we're introverts too, and we *like* X," where
> X is usually a social situation, and the anvil-sized
> implication is that there is something wrong with me.

Whoa.  A) Not all introverts are created alike. B) There is no reason that
any two people, whatever their personality makeup, have to enjoy the same
social situation.  These are things where personal experience matters.

> So, a few questions for ya'll and everyone else on the list:

There are some good personality 'tests' out there.  Most of them don't call
themselves tests because they want to make sure that the subject doesn't
feel obligated to give the 'right' answers.  There aren't universal right or
wrong answers to these questions.  Rather, there are answers that are more
right for you.

> My experience with most people has been that they believe
> the I/E contrast to be black and white.  Knowing that many
> other personality traits exist not as polar opposites but
> as spectrums, I've come to think that I/E is no different...

You'd be right.

> but there seems to be a lack of pertinent information online. 

Try looking for Myers-Briggs.
