
Defender always wins? (Was: Re: on contradictions and such)

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Thu Feb 10 09:41:23 PST 2005

S SHafer wrote:
> More troops would have allowed the US to reestablish the rule of law more 
quickly.  Once the rule of law broke down and looting began, then the Iraqi 
people's trust in the US diminished as well.  

Considering how much trust in the US they had to begin with,
I was not shocked at the outcome of our "war" there.  Given
our plans for the region, insurgency was a rather foregone 

> Bato001 at aol.com wrote:In a message dated 02/10/2005 11:21:07 AM Eastern 
Standard Time, 
> howard at brazee.net writes:
> I guess this is what I disagree with. More troops, better communication and a 
> willing, helpful population 

It's the latter that we never had, and wouldn't even if we'd
had more troops.  Yes, it would certainly have helped, but it
was never really in question.

Trying to not get TOO involved in this one,

"A war is when *two* armies are fighting." - Bill Hicks