
War in Dragaera

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Thu Feb 10 12:16:33 PST 2005

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 11:58:39 -0800 (PST), Philip Hart  
<philiph at slac.stanford.edu> wrote:

>> Oil rich countries also have a bunch of dissatisfied unfulfilled youth  
>> who
>> are willing to become terrorists.    Poor despotic countries have better
>> things to do than to export terrorism across the world.
> Well, Afghanistan is a small exception...  And I read that there are more
> middle-class well-educated terrorists than otherwise.  Engineers are
> much more dangerous than street youths.

Dragaera isn't a wealthy country, except among the Nobilities.   But in  
today's world it is worth thinking about what creates dissatisfaction that  
leads to war.   And then use such motivations in stories.

Steve has already explored what happens when a dissatisfied merchant class  
feels picked upon, and I expect to see him continue this.   Historically,  
times of great increase in the wealth of the middle class tend to be the  
most likely times to have revolution.

But I also see Dragaerans chomping at the bit to be important.   Sethra  
the Younger wants to achieve greatness by being a conquerer.    Maybe they  
don't see the real threat - but they are wealthy and bored.

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