
Glowbulbs? Did they go away along with Dragaera City?

FRIEDA2133 at aol.com FRIEDA2133 at aol.com
Thu Feb 10 20:48:35 PST 2005


Does anyone remember glowbulbs in any other book? They show up
in book search only in 500YA.  

Who invented them?  When?  Were they only in use in Dragaera City?
Was the spell for them lost in the disaster?

"Lara turned at these voices, and seeing two warlike figures 
silhouetted against the light from the slowly approaching glowbulb"
Five Hundred Years After, Chapter the Twenty-third, page 350

Book Search does not have the words "slowly approaching"

Glowbulbs followed people around. 

Dunaan knew how to disable (Chapter the Twenty-ninth, page 451)
a glowbulb.  Otherwise, "it", the glowbulb "would have helpfully
lighted him up and alerted everyone in the area that someone
was crouching in an alley"   Heh, why is a glowbug floating
over in that alley?  Did glowbulbs want to be helpful?
Or were they just programmed to follow people in the dark? 
Dunaan did not just shoo the glowbulb away.  He did not just
turn it off.  He disabled the glowbulb.

I do not remember Vlad ever having to disable a glowbulb.

Could glowbulbs have gone away because of the enhanced Orb?  Why
have the Empire pay for glowbulbs to be made when most citizens
could call on the Orb and make their own light?  Even Easterners
with a Jhereg-purchased citizenship can use light spells.


Linda G.

Book Search on glowbulb

Score 1 at 8.8% in chapter 500ya23.html
… upon the ground and that, moreover, there appeared, in the uneven 
light cast by the nearest glowbulb, still some distance away, a stream
of blood flowing from a not inconsiderable gash in his forehead. …

Score 1 at 46.6% in chapter 500ya23.html
…." Lara turned at these voices, and seeing two warlike figures
silhouetted against the light from the glowbulb, decided that there 
was no longer time for saving anything, but, rather, she must use her
most …

Score 1 at 53.2% in chapter 500ya23.html
… for their presence but wondering who they were. Pel stepped out 
of the way of the glowbulb, thus allowing the light to fall on the
Countess's face, after which he said, "Well, my dear …

Score 1 at 54.3% in chapter 500ya23.html
…, and turned so the light fell on his face (the glowbulb, we should 
add, was only now moving into place above the ensemble, so quick had
been all of the action). "You are without …

Score 1 at 1.4% in chapter 500ya13.html
… darkness pressing silence onto the streets of Dragaera, which 
darkness was broken only by the occasional glowbulb or lantern 
outside a public house and which silence was broken only by the 
occasional lone footstep …

Score 1 at 10.6% in chapter 500ya29.html
… waited between two buildings next to which Khaavren invariably
walked, and had, moreover, disabled the one glowbulb that operated
in the vicinity (otherwise, of course, it would have helpfully
lighted him up and alerted …

Score 1 at 3.9% in chapter 500ya12.html
…, we hasten to add, see this clearly, for night had quite fallen
and there were few glowbulbs in this part of the city, but the three 
gold cloaks were unmistakable, as was the direction …