
fingernail clippers (wasRe: Defender always wins?)

Fri Feb 11 05:22:23 PST 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jot Powers [mailto:books at bofh.com]
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 02:14:02PM -0800, lazarus wrote:
> > Our airline security is a joke.
> This is not exactly true.  It does exactly what it was intended
> to do; stop the casual, spur of the moment attacks.  Not that
> I think there are a lot of them.
> A determined, resourceful, suicidal attacker could still do
> what they want, but that is true of a lot of things.
> I could be more specific, but let's be honest, I don't like visits from
> the
> feds.

I'd like to reiterate that it won't stop casual spur of the moment attacks
initiated with everyday objects that most people don't consider weapons.
Anyone can slip a good stabbing weapon aboard (pens, some brands of
highlighter, pencils, apparently a large safety pin, you name it) and after
that all it takes is some guts, a willingness to get you hands bloody, and
the ability to inspire fear, and luck. All of these things have always been
required anyway. Though after 9/11 you'll have to inspire a lot more fear to
avoid being mobbed, that is not due to any "increased security".