
The Nuclear family

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Fri Feb 11 17:52:07 PST 2005

Jot Powers wrote:

>> Now, making sure the person to be executed it actually guilty is
>> another matter.
> Yes, but that "BUT" is a doozy.  The fact is we can't guarantee it,
> as the "beyond a reasonable doubt" requirement has shown in the
> face of DNA evidence over the last 10 years.
> Given that lack of certainty, _I_ believe that capital punishment
> is unsupportable.
> (The philosophical argument that deals with it is another matter,
> but this single practical argument renders it moot, IMO.  )

Our nation was formed with such philosophical ideas as "give me liberty or
give me death".   If liberty is as important as death then your argument
applies equally for false imprisonment as for false execution.