
nuclear terminology

Mon Feb 14 15:43:01 PST 2005

--- Howard Brazee <howard at brazee.net> wrote:

> Carla Hunt wrote:
> > would it be accurate to say that "nuclear weapons" are more a
> > catagory and "atomic weapons" are a type of weapon in that catagory?
> I wouldn't say that.  "Atomic weapons" is simply an older term for
> "nuclear
> weapons".   When that expression was in wide use, the weapon being
> referred
> to was a fusion bomb.   At about the time when the fission bomb
> (thermonuclear bomb) came into being, the press started referring
> replacing
> all references to "atomic" with regards to weapons and power plants with
> "nuclear".

Right (except that you got fission and fusion backwards).  Another
source of confusion that I forgot about, though, is "A-bomb" (fission)
and "H-bomb" (fusion).

It's probably better to just forget about "atomic bomb" and use
"nuclear bomb", and the same with "weapon".

Jerry Friedman

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