
A Linguistic Note

Mark A. Mandel thnidu at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 16 15:14:56 PST 2005

--- "Mark A. Mandel" <thnidu at yahoo.com> wrote:

> --- Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu> wrote:
> > Anyway, everybody in the world ought to speak English.  It's an **easy**,
> > flexible language with a great children's literature.
> I refuse to respond to trolling. I refuse to respond to trolling. I refuse to
> respond to trolling.

And, what's more, when I'm going through 700 piled-up Dragaera messages and
have sorted my Brust folder in topic order, I really ought to check the date of
a message before responding to it. Sorry about that.

-- Mark
[This text prepared with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.]

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