
New HHGttG trailer!

Mark A. Mandel thnidu at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 17 19:03:18 PST 2005

--- Frank Mayhar <frank at exit.com> wrote:

> Sigh.  Where _is_ Douglas Adams when you really need him?

Well, for what it's worth, there is now an asteroid named for him:
One With the Universe

Douglas Adams, author of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and other works
of comic science fiction, has been memorialized in a fitting place, the cosmic
wrecking yard known as the asteroid belt. A space rock was named after him last

Asteroid Douglasadams was discovered in 2001 by the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid
Research project. Alan Boyle, science editor of MSNBC, first suggested the name
to the official naming agency, the Minor Planet Center, based on the rock's
original designation, 2001DA42.

Mr. Adams died (at 49) in 2001, his initials are D.A., and the number 42 is of
great significance in the "Hitchhiker's Guide" series. If you want to know why,
don't panic. Just read the books.

Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company 

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