Peter H. Granzeau wrote: > At 10:48 02/18/2005, Casey Rousseau wrote: > >As to that, certainly the HHG series went to some fairly > >strange places, but that was half the fun. Don't forget, > >this is a series in which the Earth is destroyed in the > >first act of the first novel. > > Was it? I haven't seen the TV or heard the radio versions, > but as I remember, Arthur Dent returned to Earth, which > wasn't destroyed until the follow-on novel _So Long, and > Thanks for all the Fish_. Do I misremember? Well, the chronology had gotten more than a bit tangled by that stage. Or, as _Mostly Harmless_, "the amazing, logic-defying, but-why-stop-now fifth novel in the Hitchhiker Trilogy" opens: "The history of the Galaxy has got a little muddled, for a number of reasons: partly because those who are trying to keep track of it have got a little muddled, but also because some very muddling things have been happening anyway." Casey