> >I love the map, but the only problem I have with it is that it seems > >Elde Islad (sorry AFB, the bannaa shapped island) is a > little too close > >to the main land. It could be that I wasn't looking good > enough at it, > >but that's just what I think. > >Has anyone tried mapping any portion of Adrilahnka? > >-C > > Didn't it take days to sail there in Phoenix? Yes, but they sailed from Northport, which is quite a bit to the north. Book of Taltos, pg 185 - "There is an island to the west of the Empire. It's called Greenaere. / I know of it. Between Northport and Elde, right?" Book of Taltos, pg 190-196 - "[Northport] ought to have been called Westport ... there were ... ships that left for Elde or returned from there, as well as a few that went up and down the coast. Of the ships leaving for Elde, many stopped at Greenaere, which was more or less on the way, taking tides and wind into account ... We weighed anchor just before dusk ... the wind was in my face the next morning ... night collapsed the sea ... around noon of the following day we spotted land." Book of Taltos, pg 260 - "If you looked at a map of the Empire, the notion of a war with Greenaere would seem laughable--this huge monster of a landmass next to a little splotch shaped like a banana." Lord of Castle Black, pg 213 - "[Elde Island] can be found some twenty-five miles off the coast to the southwest" I may have put it too close to the coast, that was just my best guess for how to fit it in to the above quotes. The two that influenced me the most were that the empire was "next to a little splotch" and that Greenaera was "more or less on the way" from Northport to Elde. Bryan