

MedCat7 at aol.com MedCat7 at aol.com
Mon Feb 21 09:18:31 PST 2005

In a message dated 2/18/2005 11:57:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Bryan Newell" <bryann at bryann.net> writes:
>My name is spelled with a Y (Bryan), which is the less popular spelling, and
>I can usually tell the difference between the spoken names Bryan and Brian.
>Most people tend to stress the long I a little bit differently when they
>know my name is spelled with a Y.
>My brother Jason has two friends named Brian.  If me and either one of them
>is in the same room, everyone uses Bryan and Brian to identify us, with very
>little confusion--as long as everyone there knows the both of us (otherwise
>they invariably pronounce my name Brian instead of Bryan).

My brother's name is Eric. My family and very few others say his name the way we say it. Most people say it so it sounds like Airic and we just say E-ric (short "e" like in... sorry, time for me to go home).