
din zee a cad

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Mon Feb 21 12:14:04 PST 2005

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 14:03:19 -0600, Johne Cook <johne.cook at gmail.com>  

> Gene Wolfe's _The Knight_ was my favorite book of last year.  I've
> been looking foward to second half of the story but figured it'd be
> awhile before it came out.

The Wizard was available before Christmas, but I didn't see The Knight, so  
I didn't ask for this for Christmas.   I ended up buying The Knight a  
couple of weeks ago when it came out in trade ppb.

I wanted those books, but I've never been chomping at the bit for a Gene  
Wolfe book to come out, and have a big backlog.  There are only a small  
handful of Brusts in this world whose works I can't wait for paperback.

A decade ago, I worked for EDS.   A coworker and I had a team leader named  
Susan Burkhardsmeir, who used to be Susan French - her sister later  
married Bill Gates.   That coworker was named Gene Wolfe.   He was a  
horseman and furrier who decided he needed money and became a  
programmer.   (When he graduated from college he wanted to join the Peace  
Corps and teach cattle to Africans - they had other ideas, so he joined  
the Army).    I found a clipping from Locus that he copied and posted on  
his cubicle:

Gene Wolfe is so good he makes me cry - Ursula LeGuin.

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