
Pronouncing names... was Re: duh!

Peter H. Granzeau pgranzeau at cox.net
Tue Feb 22 08:33:05 PST 2005

At 10:43 02/22/2005, Jot Powers wrote:

>I also listen carefully (and normally immediately forget) when other
>people say their name.  If I'm not sure I heard it right, I say something
>like:  "I'm sorry.  Was that X?"  People with odd names appreciate you
>taking the time to get it right....but they then also know that you
>have an odd name because of paragraph 2.  :) [2]
>Oh, and just to keep it on topic, care to guess how often any of these
>people actually had their names pronounced correctly the first time
>when introduced:
>1) Aliera
>2) Corwin
>3) Reen

Although I tend not to have problems with my given name :), my surname is 
seldom pronounced properly by anyone, even after I pronounce it for 
them.  Try accenting the first syllable, and pronouncing "eau" as it is 
pronounced in "Juneau" or "bureau".

Anyway, I would say "Al YARE a", "COR win", and probably "Rain".

Regards, Pete
pgranzeau at cox.net