
Googly names (was: NSFW idea embedded in text)

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Tue Feb 22 14:34:21 PST 2005

melalvai wrote:

> I get a guy named Merritt Ruhlen, whom everyone says is a crackpot
> linguistic anthropologist. Could be worse. (I think he is a relative.
> Two Ruhlen brothers came over from Germany, he's from the other
> brother.)
> Rachel Ruhlen

I haven't met any Brazee that I was not related to.  I did get a bill of
some Brazee once who I didn't know.

One time I was in a small Italian meat market when someone heard my wife
call me Howard.  This couple got excited about us having the same name (I
couldn't understand why), and he pulled out his wallet to show he was really
a Howard.

His name was Howard J Brace III.   I am Howard J Brazee III.


I bet I know a very large percentage of the people named Brazee-Cannon that
exist in the vicinity of Earth.