
evolution in language: OT.now on topic

Mark A. Mandel thnidu at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 22 18:56:09 PST 2005

--- Shannon Wimberly <shannon3d at yahoo.com> wrote:

> On a more serious note, I had a(an?) Hungarian friend visit me with her child
> Dani.  I had always pronounced it DAN-ee, but she informed me it is pronounce
> DAH-nee.  Her second child will be named Able.  Don't be fooled by the common
> name.  It's pronounced ah-BEL

Then I hope it is spelled Abel, which is the usual English spelling of the name
of Adam and Eve's second son, not Able.

And regardless of what your Hungarian friend says, Americans will pronounce the
names as "Danny" and "Abel" ("able") respectively.

"My name is Rasdfqnrewoi34rht, pronounced Smith." Right.

-- Mark
[This text prepared with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.]

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