
A Linguistic Note

Mark A. Mandel thnidu at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 22 19:00:06 PST 2005

--- Gaertk at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 2/18/2005 4:18:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, ginnilee p
> berger <ginni.berger at juno.com> writes:
> > Ginnilee
> > Lady Lavender of Teal, who actually *owns* the tshirt saying, 
> > "English doesn't borrow from other languages, it follows them 
> > down dark alley, mugs them and goes through their pockets for 
> > loose grammar"
> Is it attributed correctly?  And does the back have the
> corollary about giving candy to unsuspecting creoles?

Oh, I LIKE that corollary! Is it yours, Konrad? Us wants it for our .ssssig
file, preciousssss!

-- Dr. Whom, Consulting Linguist, Grammarian,
   Orthoepist, and Philological Busybody
   a.k.a. Mark A. Mandel
   [This text prepared with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.]

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