
evolution in language: OT.now on topic

Wed Feb 23 04:25:09 PST 2005

Mark A. Mandel wrote:

>--- Steve Simmons <scs at di.org> wrote:
>>Exactly so - he added the cedilla to the nameplate outside his office.
>>I don't recall the name of the resulting letter or even if it has a
>>separate name; heck, I couldn't remember 'cedilla' until you pointed
>>it out.
>"C-cedilla". Like "e-acute", "n-tilde" (which has its own name in Spanish,
>"ene" with a tilde over the n, because it's in the alphabet), and so on.
Thanks, Mark; that had been bugging me for a long time now. An amusing 
aside, in Spanish, tilde is the accent mark that goes over a vowel to 
indicate emphasis, which is why when I first learned of the tilde key on 
an American layout keyboard, I was greatly confused. How am I supposed 
to cheat in Doom and Quake if I can't find this tilde key?!


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