* David J. Weller-Fahy <dave-lists-dragaera at weller-fahy.com> [2005-02-23 16:11 +0100]: > * Mark A. Mandel <thnidu at yahoo.com> [2005-02-23 04:00 +0100]: > > --- Gaertk at aol.com wrote: > > > Is it attributed correctly? And does the back have the > > > corollary about giving candy to unsuspecting creoles? > > > > Oh, I LIKE that corollary! Is it yours, Konrad? Us wants it for our > > .ssssig file, preciousssss! > > I just did some searching on google, and was unable to find an > [snip] Behold, ask and in the next 5-10 seconds a new google search will bear fruit! <grumble> Anyway, I'm still interested in the full text of the corollary (if there is a full text). ;] Regards, -- dave [ please don't CC me ]