

Casey Rousseau casey at the-bat.net
Mon Mar 7 10:28:18 PST 2005

Brian Keegan asked 
> I am about to go on vacation to las Vegas next week. How do I 
> put get the digest version of the mailing list? 

Among other ways, you can send two emails.  One to
dragaera-unsubscribe at dragaera.info, the other to
dragaera-digest-subscribe at dragaera.info.

For more info, send a message to dragaera-help at dragaera.info.

You'll get the rest of the following email:

-----Original Message-----
From: dragaera-return- at dragaera.info [mailto:dragaera-return- at dragaera.info]

Subject: ezmlm response

Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
dragaera at dragaera.info mailing list.

I'm working for my owner, who can be reached
at dragaera-owner at dragaera.info.

This is a generic help message. The message I received wasn't sent to
any of my command addresses.