
Sethra Lavode sightings

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Tue Mar 8 09:17:38 PST 2005

On Tue, 08 Mar 2005 11:12:37 -0500, Ken Koester  
<kkoester at email.ers.usda.gov> wrote:

> 19th century Standard Oil was far worse than Walmart could ever hope to  
> be, and 19th century Appalachian coal mining companies might have been  
> worse than that, not to mention railroad companies of the era  
> generally--cf. Twain.  Or, just wait a few more years & you can live  
> through the horrors of the Gilded Age yourself & discover firsthand why  
> they were so bad.

In both cases, competition hated the successful companies - but consumers  
got cheaper goods.

So "worse" depends on whether you are a corporation or a consumer.

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